Forums - Blackheart Help Show all 36 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Blackheart Help ( Posted by strider_hien on 04:22:2001 10:38 PM: Hey guys! I need some help with Blackheart in MVC2. I need some combos, strats, and some other stuff. I REALLY need to know some good combos with him, because the only one i know for him is Inferno xx H.O.D lol My team is Doom/Psylocke/BH all anti-air (hehehe) i'm NOT gonna change my team, so don't bother telling me to change it. I use BH for Battery/main assist, Psylocke/doom are for backup/assists, incase my BH dies Thanks for all the help! Posted by on 04:22:2001 10:42 PM: Blackheart combo: Launch, Jab, Short, Strong, airdash forward, Jab, Short, Strong, Forward Launch, Jab, Short, Strong, airdash forward, Jab, Short, Punch airthrow (Stylish) Posted by o0ninja0o on 04:22:2001 10:56 PM: gettum in da corner and jump towards them then l kick m kick in da air and when he reach da ground h kick and repeat!! Posted by strider_hien on 04:22:2001 11:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by o0ninja0o gettum in da corner and jump towards them then l kick m kick in da air and when he reach da ground h kick and repeat!! I do something very similar to that, i do it:\//\\//\ etc..... it can build meter quite fast Anyone know a good setup for the BH infinite? BTW, what IS the BH infinite? Supergeek: Thanks for the cool combos, i think i'll start with the regular AC's, before moving on to the airdash ones Posted by on 04:22:2001 11:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien I do something very similar to that, i do it:\//\\//\ etc..... it can build meter quite fast Anyone know a good setup for the BH infinite? BTW, what IS the BH infinite? Supergeek: Thanks for the cool combos, i think i'll start with the regular AC's, before moving on to the airdash ones Then if you want BH's regular air combo it's: Launch, Jab, Short, Strong, Punch airthrow or Forward (knockdown) And the BH infinite is more like a slip up punishment infinite, basically you need to get them in the air and hit them with the Roundhouse demons and airdash back and forth, throwing the demons at the end of the dash. Posted by strider_hien on 04:22:2001 11:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by Supergeek Then if you want BH's regular air combo it's: Launch, Jab, Short, Strong, Punch airthrow or Forward (knockdown) And the BH infinite is more like a slip up punishment infinite, basically you need to get them in the air and hit them with the Roundhouse demons and airdash back and forth, throwing the demons at the end of the dash. Thanks, can I set it up with the Psylocke aaa? Posted by DavestA on 04:22:2001 11:26 PM: make sure u learn how to super cancel into heart of darkness, QCB punch , df double kick Posted by on 04:22:2001 11:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by strider_hien Thanks, can I set it up with the Psylocke aaa? Iron Man's AAA works better, keeps them in the air longer so you can get into the air without worry, Psylocke's is too short. Posted by strider_hien on 04:22:2001 11:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Supergeek Iron Man's AAA works better, keeps them in the air longer so you can get into the air without worry, Psylocke's is too short. Hmmm, i might consider changing my Psylocke for Ironman. Today i saw my friend do some nasty combo that took off a lot of life Posted by tempest on 04:23:2001 12:25 AM: also don't forget his pokes oh god he has some best pokes in the game, and if you learn iron man you might want spend tim in learning his infenite its very easy to do and you can do it from anywhere and, like what everbody says don't forget to throw his aaa and cancel into hod thats his main weapon and be over the screen peace Posted by Lord Doom on 04:23:2001 12:36 AM: Yea I tend to run with his jumping RH and call out Doom below. If they ever get near me I tend to jab or short them away to get space. Posted by tempest on 04:23:2001 12:41 AM: doom i know you taught me blackheart so well, but yours is still better then mine peace Posted by Lord Doom on 04:23:2001 12:46 AM: thanx man. I like yours too. Just keep practicing. Thats what I do. Posted by strider_hien on 04:23:2001 01:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by tempest also don't forget his pokes oh god he has some best pokes in the game, and if you learn iron man you might want spend tim in learning his infenite its very easy to do and you can do it from anywhere and, like what everbody says don't forget to throw his aaa and cancel into hod thats his main weapon and be over the screen peace Hmmm, i have a very interesting team problem, maybe you guys can help me with it. I want to keep Blackheart/Doom, for the BH, Doom trap. But i also want to use Iron Man for his infinite, and setting up for BH's infinite. But If i get rid of Psy for IM, then i won't really have a good setup for the IM infinite. But if i get rid of Doom for IM, then I won't have the BH/Doom trap. So unless there is a better setup for the BH infinite, then i'm basically screwed. LOL Posted by tempest on 04:23:2001 01:21 PM: hmm having bh paried with im and psy is not has good has having bh with doom ,but i see what your saying you can still do im infenite from pretty much anything ,but its eaiser with psy aaa . might want try get them in cornor use im and jump in jab, then juggle into his infenite peace . Posted by strider_hien on 04:23:2001 02:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by tempest hmm having bh paried with im and psy is not has good has having bh with doom ,but i see what your saying you can still do im infenite from pretty much anything ,but its eaiser with psy aaa . might want try get them in cornor use im and jump in jab, then juggle into his infenite peace . Ok, thanks! I'll try out IM for a while, if i don't like him, then i'll switch back to Psy. Posted by Evil Morrigan on 04:23:2001 02:19 PM: Blackheart is a damn good character but when he is the last fighter you have left (no assists) he dies to Rushdown characters like Magneto,Storm,Cammy,Psylocke,etc. He is part of my Strider Doom team. I can usually rack up a few wins with that team but i hate when Doom and Stider die early. What i really want to know is how other BH players keep rushdowns away effectivley. Posted by strider_hien on 04:23:2001 02:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Evil Morrigan Blackheart is a damn good character but when he is the last fighter you have left (no assists) he dies to Rushdown characters like Magneto,Storm,Cammy,Psylocke,etc. He is part of my Strider Doom team. I can usually rack up a few wins with that team but i hate when Doom and Stider die early. What i really want to know is how other BH players keep rushdowns away effectivley. Against rushdown characters, just jump fk, land, jump fk or xx airdash, repeat then when they are far away, just throw in a Inferno xx H.O.D for some chip damage, and if it hits.... Posted by StiltMan on 04:23:2001 04:22 PM: For anti-rushdown, Cyclops assist behind BH is an absolute nightmare to try and rush through. BH's own pokes are very good both in the air and on the ground, Cyclops' AAA covers a lot of space near the ground and fills just about all the holes in BH's game, and j. fierce demons basically shut down almost everything someone tries near the ground and create about as much space as you could want. Plus the fact that Cyclops sets up infinites if you can pull them off, inferno/HOD if you can't, never hurts. Posted by Unreallystic on 04:23:2001 05:05 PM: cool air combo launch, fierce (at normal height) xx air super...nice damamge and stylish as for other things discussed, Psylocke can set up the infinite, I do it, but it takes a lot of practice to get down, but once you get the timing once, "you got it". I think people can mash out the infinite though if they mash when they hit the ground (not sure though). Someone else mentioned his tremendous poking skill...very important, especially with psylocke, try, c. jab, c. strong, psylocke assist, roundhouse, inferno...blah blah blah. Only works in corner, out of corner take out roundhouse, or after psylocke assist do (I think Judgment day - the one where things shoot out his chest). The beauty of the combo lies in OTG-ing...let's say you catch your oppoenent near the corner with the inferno xx super combo. When they ht the ground, do the above combo, if timed right, everything connects. His pokes also give enough delay for a doom assist to come out. just c. short, c. strong, doom assist, roundhouse, blah blah blah. I hope that helped Posted by strider_hien on 04:23:2001 10:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by Unreallystic cool air combo launch, fierce (at normal height) xx air super...nice damamge and stylish as for other things discussed, Psylocke can set up the infinite, I do it, but it takes a lot of practice to get down, but once you get the timing once, "you got it". I think people can mash out the infinite though if they mash when they hit the ground (not sure though). Someone else mentioned his tremendous poking skill...very important, especially with psylocke, try, c. jab, c. strong, psylocke assist, roundhouse, inferno...blah blah blah. Only works in corner, out of corner take out roundhouse, or after psylocke assist do (I think Judgment day - the one where things shoot out his chest). The beauty of the combo lies in OTG-ing...let's say you catch your oppoenent near the corner with the inferno xx super combo. When they ht the ground, do the above combo, if timed right, everything connects. His pokes also give enough delay for a doom assist to come out. just c. short, c. strong, doom assist, roundhouse, blah blah blah. I hope that helped Thanks for the info Your avatar looks cool Posted by Mr. SmArTy on 04:23:2001 11:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Supergeek Iron Man's AAA works better, keeps them in the air longer so you can get into the air without worry, Psylocke's is too short. Cyke's AAA is much better I think to setup the infinite than Ironman. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:24:2001 02:56 AM: Hehe...the best AAA to set up Blackheart's infinite, by far and away, is....(drum roll) Sonson's Course, I had to retire my BH/Sonson/Sabretooth a while back. -DFA Posted by jedirobb on 04:24:2001 03:02 AM: dontcha wish they gave blackheart the real cool red from mephisto on marvel vs streetfighter - that was cool.. yeah = ) Posted by Lord Doom on 04:24:2001 03:41 AM: I have a farely good BH against rushdown. I almost always use him last in my Magneto/Doom/BH team and I've pulled out some very tight victories against one, two, or all three characters. What I usually do with him in that situation is basically do what you said but when they get close or under me i short or jab myself away from them. If i come down on them I do the short/strong from the air then launch into an air combo then continue to run and chip. Posted by strider_hien on 04:24:2001 04:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. SmArTy Cyke's AAA is much better I think to setup the infinite than Ironman. Sorry, i read your post wrong Cyke, eh?? Hmm, now the choices are even harder. I think i'm going to stick with my Psy, for now. PSylocke is my strongest character, from my team. Posted by strider_hien on 04:24:2001 04:12 AM: huh? this is messed, what happened to my previous post?? ARGH!! Posted by o0Evil_Hadou0o on 04:24:2001 04:14 AM: damn, you guys can actually werk Blackheart? he's soo slow though. I just like his anti air assist Posted by Darklome on 04:24:2001 04:16 AM: *shakes head* poor know so little... Posted by o0Evil_Hadou0o on 04:24:2001 04:26 AM: wut darklome?? I know soo little??? then wut is the capital of california huh HUH??? its sacramento!!!!! YOU DIDn't KNOW THAT!!!!!!! *shakes head* you know even less...tsk tsk Posted by Darklome on 04:24:2001 04:31 AM: calm down Hadou...hehehe...from the looks of things you must really be scrubbing for those 50 posts...41..sheesh your're almost thier then you can get an Avatar...put me on your avatar Hadou show me of like a shiny button!!! Posted by o0Evil_Hadou0o on 04:24:2001 05:20 AM: haha...k josh...I'll try.. Posted by strider_hien on 04:24:2001 03:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by o0Evil_Hadou0o damn, you guys can actually werk Blackheart? he's soo slow though. I just like his anti air assist Not all characters need to be fast to be good. Blackheart is good for his anti-air assist, and his excellent keep-away strats. His airdash is hella fast too, so he's not that slow. Posted by JaHa on 04:25:2001 06:22 AM: hey strider hien my advice for BH jumpin lk lk crouching lk lk into psylockes AAA then the heart of darkness combo and to start the infinite use psylockes AAA and immediately sj and start it if it hits and i would use psylocke last though BH is more effective with psylockes AAA then psylocke is with BH thas jus mah opinion though Posted by JaHa on 04:25:2001 06:24 AM: hey evil hadou and darklome why dont u come to nickel citee sd and duke it out we have friendly tourneys every wens holla back for dir Posted by JaHa on 04:25:2001 06:27 AM: I have a farely good BH against rushdown. I almost always use him last in my Magneto/Doom/BH team and I've pulled out some very tight victories against one, two, or all three characters. What I usually do with him in that situation is basically do what you said but when they get close or under me i short or jab myself away from them. If i come down on them I do the short/strong from the air then launch into an air combo then continue to run and chip. hey lord doom jus out of curiousity? how do u fit magneto in your team..assist and strats?i never really seen it too much (maybe with doom a little) All times are GMT. The time now is 12:18 AM. Show all 36 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.